This article is written to help readers figure out how best to negotiate their tree removal procedure.

The goal is to get the job done at the best possible cost without spending significantly.

Knowing how to negotiate for tree removal will save you a lot of money. We’ve discussed the different ways this can be done. Consider taking all necessary precautions to get the best possible outcomes.

If you’re reading this article, chances are you want to learn ways to negotiate tree removal. If so, we’ve got you covered!

Can You Negotiate Tree Removal?

When calling for a tree removal job, most people seek the best possible way to get the job done cheaper.

There’s always a price tag when it comes to professional tree removal. The cost associated with the procedure can be negotiated if you know what to do and how to go about it.

The Cost of Tree Removal May be Beyond your Budget

If you’re operating on a tight budget, then the cost of tree removal may be prohibitive.

To give you a general idea, typical tree removal costs around $355 to $580 for small trees measuring 15 ft. For medium-sized trees (15 to 25 ft.), the cost ranges from $620 to $1,190.

More giant trees measuring around 25 to 60 ft. will cost anywhere from $1,390 to $3,250 to remove. For extra large trees (those measuring 60 to 120 ft.), the removal cost will be around $4,100 to $7,850.

Persons on a tight budget may be unable to meet these costs.

The only option left would be to find ways to negotiate for tree removal. Luckily there are several ways this can be done.

As you’ll read below, tree removal costs can be reduced by as much as 50% or more with effective negotiation strategies.

Identifying the Factors Affecting Tree Removal Costs

Before we discuss how to negotiate tree removal, we must look at factors affecting tree removal costs. There are several of these that include tree health, tree size, hazards, and location.

Let’s briefly discuss these to find out what they’re about.

i. Tree Health

To a large extent, tree health will play a cost-determining role during removal.

Is the tree dead or alive? Lifeless trees tend to cost less because they’re easier to eliminate. Diseased trees grow to pose a greater risk and may require special removal techniques.

ii. Tree Size

Size matters a lot when it comes to tree removal costs. This tends to be among the most significant factors determining cost.

Here, size relates to both the height and width of the tree. More giant trees need to be systematically taken down compared to smaller ones. This has an impact on cost.

iii. Hazards

There are potential hazards associated with tree removal jobs. An example is seen when trees to be removed are next to power lines or other delicate or dangerous installations.

Although tree removal services are well equipped and experienced to deal with such situations, such jobs require extra effort, directly impacting costs.

iv. Location

Where’s your tree located? Its location and accessibility will always play a role in determining its costs.

Regarding location, you’re looking at the distance covered by the company to get to the tree. The farther away the site is from its base, the tree removal company will charge higher for the project.

Guide to Negotiating Tree Removal

When calling for tree removal, one of the things you need to be sure of is that you aren’t overpaying for the procedure.

At the same time, you want to get the best possible deal while ensuring the process is done right. With that said, how do you go about such a negotiation?

There are many valuable tips to apply. These include deciding to either remove the stump yourself or leave it there, using timber for firewood, and getting as many quotes as you can.

More negotiating strategies include asking for combo deals, choosing the off-season, and removing obstacles.

Other negotiating strategies for tree removal include not hiring the big names, getting rid of the garbage yourself, and asking for discounts. All of these negotiation strategies help lower the cost of tree removal.

Let’s further discuss each of these points to learn more.

i. DIY Stump Removal or Leaving it Behind

The process is likely to cost more during tree removal when stump removal is included. This tends to be the most challenging part of the job.

To attract lower rates, you can choose to get rid of the stump yourself by renting a stump grinder. Another option you have is to leave the stump behind.

ii. Use Timber for Firewood

During tree removal, professionals will charge you for log disposal.

In other words, trimmed logs are disposed of at an extra cost. One way to better negotiate for this is by keeping the timber for firewood.

Here, you eliminate a high cost while stacking up wood for fuel.

iii. Get as Many Quotes as you Can

There will be several tree removal services within your area. One way to attract an excellent bargain is by getting as many quotes as possible.

This gives you a better idea of the average tree removal cost. Including smaller companies is essential as these tend to offer better rates.

iv. Ask for Combo Deals

Tree removal services often structure their prices to benefit their clients. It’s common to find combo deals that offer significant discounts when multiple trees are to be removed.

Take advantage of such provisions by asking. This will be especially useful if you have multiple trees you want to be removed.

v. Choose the Off-Season

When it comes to tree removal, there are peak and off-peak seasons.

As the name suggests, peak seasons are periods when the services of tree removal companies are in high demand. During such times, prices tend to be higher.

The opposite applies to off-peak seasons—leverage on that.

vi. Removing Obstacles

Obstacle removal is essential for a more straightforward job.

This is part of the strategies for negotiating tree removal. With no obstacles to deal with, tree removal companies won’t charge extra.

Plus, you can choose to clear the area after the job is completed to avoid paying more.

This gives you a cheaper rate.

vii. Avoid the Big Names

You’ll likely find big and small tree removal services offering similar services wherever you live.

The major ones have been in business and have built a reputation. Their charges are likely to be higher. Consider going for the smaller companies as they tend to charge lower fees.

viii. Get Rid of the Garbage Yourself

One of the things you’ll have to figure out is how to get rid of the garbage after tree removal is completed.

YYou’llhave to pay extra if tree removal services are to remove such garbage. A better negotiation strategy is clearing the debris yourself to limit tree removal costs.

ix. Ask for Discounts

Every client should seek or ask for discounts.

A better way to do this is by asking what discounts are included in the company’s services. Knowing what they allow you to leverage such opportunities to lower your removal cost.

These are effective ways to negotiate tree removal contracts. Here, the goal is to get efficient and excellent services at competitive rates.


The cost of tree removal can be deemed expensive to some and maybe beyond their budget. While that may be true, the need to remove such trees still stands.

Under such circumstances, finding the most effective negotiation strategies to significantly lower costs is necessary.

Here, we help you with such strategies and more. This article discussed the different ways you can negotiate for tree removal. These strategies help shave off a significant part of your expenses.

With that said, how do you effectively negotiate for tree removal? Read on for such details and more.

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