Do you want to grow lavender plants in Florida? Or do you want some varieties grown in the state for their usefulness? Regardless of your reason, you’ll find this write-up interesting.

We’ll walk through the origin of this plant, the hybrids you can grow, how to develop the seed, and more. Without any delay, let’s get into the business of the day.

How to Grow Lavender Plants In Florida

Lavender is a small evergreen shrub with purple flowers and gray-green hoary linear leaves.

It grows best in full sun and dry, sandy soil. It also has a smooth fragrance caused by shining oil glands embedded among tiny star-shaped trichomes.

The plant is suitable for maximizing soil drainage, among other uses. However, not all varieties thrive in Florida because of its heat and humidity.

Origin of Lavenda Plants

This plant originates in three distinct regions: India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. The plant is excellent for herps and flavorings and is infamous for its appeal and exquisite smell.

The Romans used it to make soaps, scented baths, and even medicines. Today, the plant controls pests in addition to the uses above.

Does Lavender Grow in Florida?

This plant doesn’t thrive in regions that are hot, humid, or composed of loam soil. That’s because humidity can lead to fungal diseases.

Sadly, that’s the case in Florida. But we still have good news for you. There’re varieties you can grow within the city of Florida as well as in other regions.

As you read along, you’ll get to know about them.

Lavender Plants in Florida

As mentioned, some species can be grown in Florida due to their heat tolerance. They do well throughout the state, particularly in Central and South Florida.

Let’s take a look at them.

  • Exceptional Hybrids

We call these lavender plants exceptional because they’re lovers of heat and humidity. For those who live in USDA zone 8, these varieties will be appropriate for you.

  • Godwin Creek Grey Lavender

This hybrid lavender plant can grow well in areas of high temperature and humidity, like Florida. It’s a product of a cross between L. Lanata and L. dentata.

It can bloom beautiful bluish-purple flowers throughout the year. The leaves are narrow and serrated with a silver-greenish light color.

Moreover, it can grow to about 2-3 feet. Residents of zone 7-9 should consider this specie in terms of need.

  • Lavandula Allardii

You can also it “Meerlo Lavenda”. It’s a cross between L.Latifoila and L. dentata.

The specie has a high level of fragrance and narrow leaves that are slightly tooth-edged. It can survive areas of high humidity and heat, which is why it’s perfect for Florida’s weather.

However, the plant only blooms once, and that’s in summer. It produces a France, pale bluish-flower that is pretty impressive.

Furthermore, the specie can grow to an average height of 2-3 feet. According to experts, this lavender plant will thrive well in zone 8-11.

  • Phenomenal French Hybrid Lavenda

Do you have an idea why the word “phenomenal” is added to the name of this specie? That’s because of its exemplary performance in unsuitable climatic conditions.

It is a cross between cold-tolerant English and heat-tolerant Portuguese lavender. Therefore, it’s resistant to diseases in cold weather and tolerates extreme heat and humidity levels.

Phenomenal French Hybrid Lavenda can do well in acidic soil. It can grow to an average of 2-5 feet and 36 inches wide with narrow, aromatic, and gray-green leaves.

It blooms bluish-purple flowers in midsummer and sometimes again in late summer. People from zone 5-9 can opt for this specie.

  • Other Species

Besides the listed varieties of lavender plants, we also have some species that can thrive in warm weather.

They include Lavandula Vera, Lavandula Dentata, Lavandula Pedunculata, Lavandula Canariensis, Lavandula-multifida, and Lavandula Pinnata.

How to Grow Lavenda Plants in Florida

Before growing this plant in Florida, you’ll need to know a few things: the appropriate planting season, items you’ll require, and steps for planting and propagating.

Now, the right time to sow your lavender seed in Florida is during the winter or fall. But you can plant it during the summer or spring in other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, you’ll require lavender seeds, a paper towel, and a sealable plastic bag. You’ll also need soil with excellent water drainage capabilities, a refrigerator, and more.

Having gotten all supplies, you can follow the steps below.

  • Freeze the Seeds

You must stimulate the temperature below 40⁰F to ensure the seeds sprout well. Remove the seeds, wrap them in a moist paper towel, and place them in a sealable plastic bag.

Put the whole back in the refrigerator for three weeks or more. This will replicate the cold temperatures similar to those in the north.

You can also replicate cold temperatures by soaking the seeds in water for 12 hours. After that, you resoaked it Gibberellin for 2 hours before planting.

  • Sow Lavender Seeds

Again, sprinkle water before planting your seeds to dampen the soil.

After sowing your seeds, add a sand cover measuring 1/8 inch. You’re not advised to add a thick layer because darkness can affect its germination.

Furthermore, you must water the land at least twice weekly to ensure moist soil. But if it rains, don’t sprinkle water for some time.

Add manure to enhance the health and growth of your lavender plant. You can opt for lime and bone meal to increase the alkalinity. To improve soil drainage, you can use pea gravel stones.

  • Transfer Seedlings

When your seedlings reach a 5-10 cm height, you can transfer them to a habitat.

Until then, you’ll need to soil from the roots by shaking it gently. Lavender seedlings transmitted without soil adapt and grow faster in a new habitat.

You get them ready for propagation. To carry out this operation effectively, you’ll need some essential tools.

Among them are pots for planting, knives, sticks, pruning shears, rooting hormone and medium, transparent plastic bags, and more.

Florida is a beautiful state that deserves some landscape of lavender plants. Although the region isn’t favorable for such plants, we still have some varieties that can do well.

You can choose any of them and beautify your home garden. Until then, you can follow the guide on planting and propagating new lavender seeds in your locality.

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