I’ll recommend 15 fast-growing evergreen shrubs in this article for your privacy, shade, and screening.

So, are you fed up with seeing your next-door neighbor taking out the trash or their dog poop in the yard? There’s a simple solution to this, and that’s evergreen shrubs.

Fastest Growing Evergreen Shrubs For Privacy and Shade

There’s a wide range of fast-growing shrubs to choose from. They don’t just give you much-needed privacy; they also shield you from unpleasant sights.

That’s not all, these shrubs act as shelters for pollinators, and it offers them food as well. The same goes for birds and other small, tree-loving animals.

READ: List of Trees For Privacy From Neighbors

How To Plant Fast-Growing Evergreen Shrubs

To ensure your shrubs get off on the right foot, select species that work in your USDA Hardiness Zone.

The next thing to do is dig a hole about two times the width of the pot but make it have the same depth. Then spread the roots with your fingers by roughing the root ball.

SEE: Fast-Growing Shade Trees In Texas

Fill up the hole, but don’t add peat moss or organic matter; that doesn’t help. It causes a drainage problem dubbed “the bathtub effect,” which can kill the plant or stunt its growth.

All you need to do for nourishment is add mulch to it and water it. It takes just a few seasons for these shrubs to be fully mature.

READ: Hedges for Sale Online

There, your evergreen shrubs are in place. Now you must water it regularly, give them time to grow, and enjoy your privacy!

15 Recommended Fast-Growing Evergreen Shrubs For Privacy

Here are my top 15 picks for fast-growing evergreen shrubs.

  1. Arborvitae

These beautiful evergreens come in a variety of heights. Some could be only a few meters tall, while others can grow as tall as 30 feet.

The good thing about Arborvitae shrubs is that they usually don’t need to be sheared to maintain their unique shape. It comes naturally.

You can try out these varieties.

  • Green Giant
  • Spring Grove

USDA hardiness zones – 3 to 8

  1. Butterfly Bush

These shrubs are also called the Summer Lilac. They are pretty sturdy, and they have beautiful purple flower sprouts.

The Butterfly Bush is known to blossom year-round and is drought resistant.

What I love most about this species is that the newer types aren’t invasive.

I recommend!

You can try these varieties –

  • Miss Violet
  • Miss Ruby

USDA hardiness zones – 5 to 9

  1. Hydrangeas

These shrubs are a very adaptive species. They can be grown in almost any climate.

They need light exposure for proper blooming, although they can thrive in shaded environments.

If you live in very hot regions, you can let them have some sun in the morning, but shade them in the afternoon when the sunshine is at its peak.

Exposure to harsh sunny conditions could dry them up.

You can try these varieties –

  • Monmar
  • Firelight

USDA hardiness zones – 3 to 10

  1. Elderberry

These fast-growing evergreen shrubs are among the most graceful you can find.

They are simple in looks but give off a classy ambiance.

You can try these varieties –

  • Instant Karma
  • Lemony lace

USDA hardiness zones – 3 to 7

  1. Pyracantha

You can find attractive red fall berries on these shrubs mixed with lovely green leaves.

These shrubs boast a lot of vigor; little wonder their berries can last deep into the winter.

You can try these varieties –

  • Graberi
  • Kasan

USDA hardiness zones – 5 to 9

  1. Lilacs

These shrubs have a beautiful purple and green look and love the sunlight.

One of my favorite features of this plant is its unique scent; it oozes freshness all year round.

These shrubs need a little space, so be careful not to plant them so close to each other. The little pockets of space will allow them to receive the much-needed air circulation.

Developing powdery mildew is a problem for these plants, and proper air circulation will reduce the occurrence of such.

You can try these varieties –

  • Lavender Lady
  • Angel White

USDA hardiness zones – 2 to 8

  1. Forsythia

You know that nice and fresh feeling that comes with spring, right? Well, the bright yellow Forsythia is the epitome of that.

It doesn’t grow as fast as other shrubs in its class, but it reaches full maturity in good time.

You can try these varieties –

  • Spring Glory
  • Meadowlark

USDA hardiness zones – 3 to 9

  1. Beautyberry

This perennial plant comes in different variations.

Foliage colors include dark green, green, white, and purple with beautiful white blooms (during the summer period).

In the fall, you’ll spot some lovely little purple berries clusters.

You can try these varieties –

  • Pearl Glam
  • Purple Pearl

USDA hardiness zones – 5 to 8

  1. Ninebark

This evergreen shrub features bold, burgundy foliage that is present all season long.

During the early summer, this native plant displays its beautiful white flower toppings.

This is a cold-hardy plant, and it has a natural arching shape

You can try these varieties –

  • Summer wine
  • Diablo

USDA hardiness zones – 2 to 7

  1. Loropetalum

As it is known, the “Fringe Flower reaches full maturity pretty quickly.

It’s an elegant shrub shaped like a vase, and its pink, white, and purple-shaded blooms make it a pleasant sight.

You can try these varieties –

  • Snow panda
  • Zhuzhou Fuchsia

USDA hardiness zones – 7 to 9

  1. Viburnum

These shrubs feature fragrant white flowers and green puckered leaves.

As for looks, they are pretty much simplistic. Still, they are as beautiful as they come.

You can try these varieties –

  • Allegheny
  • Prague

USDA hardiness zones – 5 to 8

  1. Dappled Willow

These shrubs feature pink weeping stems and green, pink, and white mottled foliage.

You can plant them in large masses to form thick hedges for ultimate privacy.

You can try these varieties –

  • Hakuro Nikishi
  • Flamingo

USDA hardiness zones – 4 to 10

  1. Spirea

In the spring, this fast-growing shrub features a lot of beautiful white flowers, but in the fall, it gives off orange or reddish foliage.

Most species of Spireas are cold-hardy.

Varieties you can tryGreshameim

  • Renaissance

USDA hardiness zones – 3 to 7

  1. Red Twig Dogwood

These shrubs are multi-stemmed and reddish.

They look fantastic during the winter periods, especially when they have some snow on them.

These shrubs have no problems with chilly climates, as they tolerate frigid temperatures.

Varieties you can try –

  • Sibirica
  • Isanti

USDA hardiness zones – 2 to 8

  1. Crape Myrtle

These shrubs we’re built for the heat, as they can withstand very sunny climates.

They have an elegant look manifested in the summer, thanks to their beautiful white, pink, and purple flowers.

Some species of this shrub have peeling barks, although they are uncommon.

Varieties you can try –

  • Natchez
  • Tonto

USDA hardiness zones – 6 to 9

There you have it, my recommended 15 fast-growing evergreen shrubs!

When Should I Prune My Evergreen Shrubs?

The ideal time to prune evergreen shrubs is late March or within the first week of April. This has to be done before the plant starts experiencing any new growth.

If you need to do some light pruning, then late June or within the first week of July.

Do not prune your evergreens during the fall season. This is because they are much more prone to winter injuries during this period.

What Kind Of Fertilizer Is Best For Evergreens?

Evergreens do not lose their leaves (or needles); they keep theirs all year round. This is a testament to how nourished and adaptive these plants are.

This is not to say that they don’t need fertilizers. They may be able to survive without them, but a little extra nourishment won’t hurt.

Plants require 17 nutrients to grow, Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium being among the most important.

Evergreens require adequate Nitrogen and Potassium to thrive, so fertilizers rich in Nitrogen and Potassium are best suited for evergreen shrubs. However, this must be administered in low quantities, and I’ll tell you why.

As I mentioned earlier, evergreens can survive without fertilizers because their immediate environment provides them with good nutrients.

Too many fertilizers will cause the evergreens to develop open growths. Evergreens on a large fertilizer diet may also experience spaced-out branches.

What Is The Right Amount Of Fertilizer For Evergreens?

Generally, evergreens are good, with 2 to 4 pounds of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. You can apply fertilizer at 2 to 4-year intervals to ensure proper growth.


Despite climate change, fast-growing evergreen shrubs do not lose their leaves. This means they will remain beautiful all year long.

READ: Trees That Grow Very Fast

Besides the beauty they offer, they can also separate you from the things you don’t want to see going on in your neighbor’s yard. Privacy guaranteed!

I hope this article on 15 fast-growing evergreen shrubs has been informative enough.

Take care!

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