One tree species a lot of people find attractive and want to have on their property is the Umbrella.

Also called Schefflera arboricola,  this tree thrives in hardiness zones 9 to 11 has colorful foliage that’s aesthetically appealing.

If you want to improve your landscape by having this tree grown, the information here will be of help.

What do you need to know before buying an umbrella tree? Quite a lot! Basically, you need detailed guidance on how to proceed and where to buy from.

Here, the cost, as well as other buying tips for this tree species are under focus and will be discussed in great detail. You only need to read on for such information.

About Umbrella Trees

To begin with, umbrella trees are known to reach a height of 10 to 15 ft. at maturity. At this stage, the width measures between 3 to 4 ft.

When grown outdoors, umbrella trees do well in bright indirect light to partial sun. It can also be grown indoors too. This tree is also known for its green and glossy foliage.

In terms of the ideal soil conditions to grow umbrella trees, you’ll need to find well-draining soil. This tree develops in a branching bush form but can also be trained as a tree.

One clear benefit of umbrella trees to your surroundings is the ability to brighten your space.

How Much Do Umbrella Trees Cost?

For most buyers, the cost is considered primary and will need to be thoroughly understood before making a purchase.

The cost of an umbrella tree is largely determined by its size, as well as the number of trees you need. So, a tree gallon umbrella tree costs an average of $60.

The bigger the size, the more it’s likely to cost. Based on this factor (size), you’re likely to pay as much as $150 to $200 for much larger trees. Also, who you buy from is likely to impact costs.

One of the best ways to get a good deal or discount is by buying several units of the tree.

The more the number of umbrella trees you need, the more discount you tend to get. You’ll need to make your research about that by contacting a seller or nursery and making the necessary inquiries.

Such inquiries save you a lot of stress as the information needed is discussed in detail.

Where to Buy Umbrella Trees

It’s not difficult to figure out where to get your umbrella trees from. You’ll need to start with the usual channels which include garden centers and nurseries.

These have a large collection of different plant varieties. However, there’s no knowing for a fact if you’ll find what you need with a particular seller.

You’ll have to ask if such trees are out of stock. If they are, you can try the next nursery. Even when umbrella trees are in stock, you’ll still need to compare prices between multiple sellers in other to pick the best offering.

Also, some nurseries sell their products online.

This option (online) saves you a lot of stress as all you have to do is visit their online store to make your order. Having placed your order, it gets shipped within a few days.

Your order may include other accessories depending on what the vendor is offering.

Tips on Buying Umbrella Trees

Before you may purchase, it’s important to follow simple tips to maximize your shopping experience. One certain thing is the fact that you’ll find multiple nurseries selling this plant.

This gives you more options to work with. It’s best not to commit to the first seller you find.

By going through multiple nurseries, you’re able to make key comparisons between prices. Prices fluctuate from seller to seller for the same plant size. So, by comparing different product offerings, you’re able to make better buying decisions by going for those with lower costs.

Also, you get to choose umbrella trees which are accompanied by accessories as these help with better growth in addition to the convenience you get. You’ll also need to choose what tree size to pick.

This is mostly determined by your unique needs.

  • Tree Size

When buying umbrella trees, one thing that’s likely to stand out is the size of the tree.

As mentioned earlier, larger tree sizes tend to cost more. For some buyers, instead of buying a 7-gallon tree or above, they can pick or buy more 3-gallon umbrella trees as these tend to be cheaper.

In other words, buying smaller-sized umbrella trees will cost much less than larger trees. At the end of the day, you’re able to get more units than you would when buying larger umbrella trees.

  • Umbrella Tree Care

Before buying an umbrella tree, you’ll need to figure out the care processes involved in maintaining the tree. Here, the sunlight requirement should be fully understood in addition to the fertilizing and watering needs of the tree.

There’s also the need to figure out the zones where this plant thrives

In terms of the sunlight, umbrella trees can easily be grown indoors as long as there’s indirect sunlight access. It thrives in conditions of partial shade as well. So, you get to either plant your umbrella trees outdoor or indoors. This gives you more options to work with.

The wagering requirements of umbrella trees aren’t complicated at all. This tree species is best watered when the soil dries out. In other words, you’re likely to kill it when you overwater the plant.

All sorts of problems arise from overwatering such as blackened leaves. It’s necessary to frequently mist the plant leaves as well.

Proper fertilizing procedures help umbrella trees properly develop. During the growth season, consider fertilizing your tree using an appropriate 10-10-10 fertilizer. Winter isn’t a great time to fertilize the plant.

What zone are you in? We’ve earlier stated that umbrella trees do well (outdoors) in zones 9 to 11. However when growing this plant indoors or on the patio, it will perform well in zones 4 to 11.

Now you know what buying an umbrella tree entails. The tips provided here highlight the key considerations to make before purchase. We’ve also provided information on cost among other things.

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