Anyone seeking to grow to buy apple trees must consider the sizes, the planting areas’ suitability, and the apple variety available to them.

Growing this hugely popular tree will require proper guidance on what to go for. In this article, we’ve highlighted certain aspects you can’t do without.

Mature Apple Trees For Sale

The cost of these fruit-bearing trees, the growing zones, and where to buy is among the details to be discussed.

By carefully reading through, you should be able to get your trees without difficulty. So, are you ready to learn? Read through the entire content for all the information you need.

Buying Apple Trees

Apple trees are known by the scientific name Malus pumila and belong to the Rosaceae family of trees.

At full maturity, apple trees can reach around 25 to 35 ft. However, there are dwarf varieties whose typical growth range is between 6 and 20 ft.

This deciduous tree has lots of varieties with over 7,500 known species. Apple trees are known to have ornamental value when they bloom and for their pretty standard fruits.

Of course, such blooms or flowers give off beautiful fragrances.

In terms of the fruits produced, you’ll find different types ranging from green, yellow, orange, and red apples. One of the features of the apple tree that stands out is its thick twigs and broad crown.

You’ll find the oval-shaped leaves alternately arranged.

The apple flower produced by the tree requires cross-pollination for fertilization. As such, you should consider buying multiple apple trees for this to be possible.

With the basics provided about the apple tree, we’ll shift our focus on what to look out for when buying these trees.

Tips on Buying Apple Trees

How do you go about buying apple trees? If this is your first time of purchase, the information contained here will guide you on how to proceed. First, you’ll need to figure out the cost range for apple trees.

Also important is the apple species you want to grow.

As stated earlier, there are over 7,500 different apple species you can choose from. This is quite huge to sort through. Nevertheless, we’ve discussed some popular apple tree varieties you may want to pick from.

Buyers will also need to identify the growing zones for each apple variety.

Knowing where to shop for your apple trees is also essential. You’ll discover those specific nurseries are more reputable than others in terms of quality of service and the apple tree collections they have.

Let’s discuss each of these points, shall we?

  • How Much Does an Apple Tree Cost?

The first thing you’ll need to find is the cost to buy your apple trees.

The typical cost range for apple trees is around $79 to $130. A wide range of factors influence cost. These include the apple variety you want, the tree size, and the nursery you’re buying from.

There are tons of varieties to choose from. Information on some of the most popular types has been discussed in the preceding section. While certain species deemed common tend to attract lower costs, others will require buyers to pay more for them.

Tree size comes into play when shopping for apple trees. You’ll find that more giant trees attract higher costs compared to lower prices for smaller trees.

Here, you’ll need to decide which to go for. Different apple tree sizes are made available to cater to the needs of other buyers.

In other words, buyers get to have options to choose from. This is something you’d want as a buyer. You can discuss any further details about tree size considered sketchy with the nursery.

Where you buy your apple trees from will determine the cost you pay for them. When prices are compared from one nursery to the next, you’ll notice a difference for similar varieties and sizes.

This is where you have the advantage as a buyer to compare prices and pick the better deal.

The better deal will consist of choosing the lower cost and better apple tree breed or species. This is a balancing strategy where you get to lower your costs.

  • Apple Tree Species

Some of the most popular apple tree varieties you may want to buy or choose from include the Stayman Winesap apple, snack time’s over apple, flowering group 5 apple, and northern spy apple tree species.

Others include the red Rome species, red Jonathan, Fuji apple, Honeycrisp, and dolgo crabapple trees.

Additional options include the sweet sixteen apple species, wine crisp apple, delicious garden apple, delicious yellow apple, red Fuji apple, red regent apple, and centennial apple tree variants.

You may also wish to go for the red duchess apple, state fair apple, freedom apple, or goldrush apple trees.

Buyers can also choose from Cortland apple trees, red prairie spy apple, liberty apple, sundowner apple, or Jonagold apple trees. There are lots more we won’t be covering here.

If none interests you, research the different varieties available.

  • Growing Zones

When buying apple trees, be attentive to the hardiness zones for each variety. This allows you to know which will do better in your location.

The garden delicious apple, wine crisp apple, yellow delicious, and sweet sixteen apple tree variants have growing zones 4 to 9, 4 to 8, 5 to 8, and 4 to 8, respectively.

Zones 4 through 7 are ideal for apple tree variants like the centennial crabapple, red regent apple, and the freedom apple trees. The red Fuji apple and state fair apple tree varieties are ideal for zones 6 to 8 and 3 to 6.

Red duchess apple, Cortland apple, red prairie, and the goldrush apple tree are ideal for zones 3 to 6, 4 to 8, 4 to 8, and 5 to 8, respectively.

  • Where to Buy Apple Trees Near Me

You’ll need to be mindful of where you buy your apple trees.

Some nurseries are considered more reputable than others due to customer reviews. Go through such reviews to know which nursery or garden center to patronize.

All these points are essential for buying suitable apple trees. The information here should be used as a guide for what you want.

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