Do root barriers work? Yes.

This article will discuss all tree foundation root barriers and how they work. Readers dealing with tree root incursion issues will find this article highly informative.

Root Barrier For Trees

Let’s start our main discussion by looking at the problem before discussing these preventive measures.

As trees grow, so do their roots. Under normal conditions, this process of growth is considered okay.

However, when extending tree roots cause structural damage, it becomes a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Part of addressing the issue includes installing a root barrier.

Problems Posed By Invasive Tree Roots

When it comes to invasive tree roots, quite many issues are common.

These damages are varied in nature. Clear examples include plumbing damage and damage to foundations, buildings, landscapes, and sidewalks.

These issues may exist in a single location, thus putting your valued asset at risk.

  • Plumbing Damage

Every home has installed drainage systems that help dispose of or convey waste in the form of water and sewage. Now, these waste products tend to be rich in plant nutrients which easily attract plant and tree roots to tap from these wastes.

Plumbing damage tends to be more in areas with low rainfall as tree roots seek points of moisture. Invasive tree roots can extend way beyond the tree’s location, searching for water.

The holes found on drainpipes offer ready access points for tree roots to gain access and block these pipes.

These blocked pipes can further deteriorate, leading to cracks that require plumbing replacement. One of the reliable ways to prevent this problem is by installing root barriers.

  • Damage to Foundations & Buildings

Invasive tree roots have been known to cause much damage to foundations and buildings.

This is especially true when there’s a proximity between the tree and the building. You may have built the structure close to the tree or planted the tree near the building.

These roots only extend in search of water and nutrients. As they grow, the soil around them is displaced. Depending on soil type, different scenarios play out.

A shift affects the earth’s load-bearing capacity for loose soils. More significant displacement of such soil may lead to cracks.

Such cracks increase the likelihood of tree roots penetrating the structure. The structure may be badly affected in severe cases, thus requiring a tear-down and rebuilding.

  • Damage to Landscape

Tree roots exit the ground and grow on the surface due to several factors, including erosion and wind activity. This condition may cause buckling of asphalt or cracks.

Also, the surface is likely to bulge, thus affecting your landscape.

Popular Trees With Invasive Root Systems

Certain trees are known to have invasive root systems. With these tree types around your property, your need for root barriers will increase.

Examples of these three types include white poplar, sycamore maple, tree of heaven, Norway maple, sweet cherry, and horse chestnut.

Root barriers may also be required for trees such as golden chain, English molly, English laurel, empress, and English hawthorn.

With this said, let’s discuss root barriers for trees.

Root Guard For Trees

So far, all our discussion has been central to better understanding the workings of tree root barriers.

To have tree roots contained, these provisions help create a barrier between such roots and structures like buildings and drainage systems, among others.

Root Deflector Options

It’s also important to note that there are physical barriers and bio-barriers. Both types have the same objective; to keep tree roots from further spread.

Here, you’ll learn all about these and more. As earlier mentioned, root barriers include sheet and bio barriers.

Let’s briefly discuss what they’re about.

  • Sheet Barriers System for Roots

When aggressive root growth issues are determined, there’s an immediate need to have such curtailed by providing a defensive system. Sheet barriers serve as a ready defense against root incursion.

These barriers are made from durable materials such as high-density polyethylene.

With sheet barrier systems, you have different options for keeping tree roots in check. In other words, these can be installed in several ways, including cutting them into smaller pieces for individual tree installation.

You’ll have to follow the installation guide or call for professional help.

  • BioBarrier System for Roots

The BioBarrier root control system is a form of treatment involving geotextile drainage fabric. Found on the material is a growth-inhibiting herbicide known as trifluralin.

This chemically reacts with root tips to interrupt cell division, thus ending root growth.

So, which of these methods is better than the other? Both of them serve to prevent tree roots from extending beyond tolerable limits. In other words, they provide real solutions to invasive root growth.

With that said, all you have to do is seek professional advice.

You can find the root treatment option that best serves your needs by consulting an expert.

How Effective are Root Barriers for Trees?

Using a tree root block is determined mainly by how well they’re installed.

Root barriers have to be installed the right way for best results. Here, factors such as the tree’s age, size, and root depth are considered.

Also, the invasive nature of the tree root is considered. We earlier mentioned the different trees with invasive root systems. Trees that belong to this category will need adequate root treatments.

Sometimes, it’s challenging to know the extent of the problem you’re dealing with. If you face such a situation, it’s best to call for an on-site inspection of your tree.

The faster you take action. Invasive tree roots will damage the less likely your structure.

Root barriers for trees serve an essential function. Rather than removing trees altogether, these can be left to grow while focusing on preventing root spread.

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