Here is a comprehensive guide to buying pomegranate trees for sale online.

If you’re looking for a small fruiting tree to grow in your yard, pomegranates are among those you should consider.

Native to India and Iran, the pomegranate tree is quite adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions which is why it’s widely grown in other parts of the world.

Asides from its edible nature, the pomegranate tree is also used as medicine in some cultures. Examples of ailments treated with parts of this tree include heart diseases, blood pressure, and diabetes, among others.

This article aims to provide you with a guide on buying your trees.

Buying Pomegranate Trees

Pomegranates thrive best in hot weather.

This is why most of these trees grow in the United States and come from hotter regions such as California. Fruits from the pomegranate tree are rich sources of soluble and insoluble fiber that promote digestion.

Known by its scientific name Punica granatum, this deciduous tree is sometimes referred to as a shrub. The dwarf types are primarily classified as shrubs.

The tree bears glossy and leathery leaves ranging from oblong to oval. You’ll find these leaves growing in whorls of five or more on branches.

At maturity, the pomegranate tree reaches heights of around 30 ft. If you consider this too tall for your yard, consider opting for the dwarf variants, which grow to about two ft. or higher.

Pomegranate trees bear beautiful orange-red flowers, which eventually turn into fruits.

Its berry-type fruits hold around 600 red seeds. This is a tasty fruit that’s eaten in different forms. Winter is the time of year when the pomegranate tree becomes dormant. During this period, trees shouldn’t be watered.

Of course, pomegranate trees do well when exposed to full sunlight.

Having provided a brief introduction, let’s focus on the discussed topic. You should be able to shop smarter for your pomegranate trees after reading through the buying guide below.

Tips for Buying Pomegranate Trees

To get the best trees, buyers must be attentive to several things, including the different pomegranate tree varieties and the cost of these trees.

The details of the growing zones and knowing where to buy from are equally crucial.

More often than not, many buyers make mistakes by not seeking to figure out their unique needs before buying their trees.

By not comparing what you want and what’s available, you may make a mistake you might regret later. Let’s take a look at the different points.

  • Pomegranate Tree Varieties to Choose from

When shopping for pomegranate trees, one of the first things you’ll notice is the number of trees available. Several of these varieties to choose from might have specific unique growing requirements.

Some popular varieties you may consider include the white pomegranate and excellent pomegranate tree variants.

Other types include the Utah sweet pomegranate, angel red pomegranate, and the Grenada pomegranate tree variants.

There are others like the Russian pomegranates, Texas pink pomegranates, ever sweet pomegranates, red silk pomegranates, and cold, hardy red pomegranate trees.

You might also prefer the cold-hardy red pomegranate type or the Ariana pomegranates.

Other options include the golden globe pomegranate, sharp velvet pomegranate, parfianka pomegranate, Kara Gul pomegranate, pink satin pomegranate, and the Ambrosia pomegranate types.

In the face of so many options to choose from, you need to consider that each variety has unique needs that may or not be suitable for your climatic conditions.

This is why you need to do a lot of research on what to go for and which variety to avoid.

Cost of Pomegranate Trees

The cost of pomegranate trees should be the central area of focus for buyers.

Budgeting requirements might differ based on the volume of trees you want, pomegranate tree size, the pricing structure adopted by sellers, and the variety or type of tree you want.

  • Pomegranate Tree Price

To figure out the cost, you’ll discover that an actual price applicable to all varieties is hardly available. The closest thing you’ll find to cost is a range usually between $12 and $100 or higher.

So, in what way do the above factors affect the cost?

The volume of trees primarily impacts how much discount you get. Deals are affected by volume.

So, the more pomegranate trees you seek to buy, the more likely you will get more significant discounts. The opposite applies to fewer purchases.

Pomegranate tree sizes also matter because giant trees cost more than smaller ones. You’ll find pomegranate tree sizes ranging from small, medium, and large.

Every buyer is different and may require a specific tree size. Decide what you need and find the costs applicable.

Regarding the pricing structure, you might notice that different nurseries have their costs for pomegranate trees of similar species and sizes.

This is due to their pricing structures. The best way to take advantage of this is by comparing prices from as many nurseries as possible to get the best deal.

Which pomegranate tree types are you most interested in buying? We’ve earlier mentioned some popular varieties. You should know that the style you choose is likely to have an impact on cost.

Research as much as you can on that before buying.

  • Growing Zones

Growing zones are among the aspects of buying pomegranate trees you need to be aware of.

These trees are better conditioned for certain climatic regions than others. In shopping, you’ll find suitable growth zones ranging from 6 to 11.

Particular pomegranate tree species may have tolerable growing zones.

Examples include the cold-hardy red pomegranate, wonderful pomegranate, and Texas pink pomegranate tree variants, which are supported in zones 6 to 9, 8 to 11, and 7 to 11, respectively.

Where to Buy Pomegranate Trees

Buyers need as much help with where to buy their trees as possible.

All nurseries do not offer the same level of service. You might want to read customer reviews about the different nurseries to identify the most reputable among them to patronize.

With all of these points fully understood, your pomegranate buying experience will be pretty easy compared to those without the correct information.

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