In this article, you’ll learn about the Norway pine with details such as uses, varieties, common diseases & pests, and the hardiness zones provided.

Also called the Red Pine, we’ll be looking at most ideal soil type to grow this tree, its essential features, and several others.

Norway Pine Trees

Contrary to what you may think, Norway pine trees have nothing to do with Norway.

It’s believed to have gotten its name given from English settlers who thought it shared some resemblance with the Norwegian Scotch pine.

The Norway pine tree is the state tree of Minnesota.

  • About Norway Pine

By introduction, the Norway pine is a tree native to North America and known for its tall, straight trunk.

This coniferous tree is easily identified from its reddish-gray to reddish-orange bark. The tree eventually turned into a rounded dome at maturity with its conical crown.

Red pines usually occur with Eastern White pines, Virginia pine, and Table Mountain pines. Other names for Norway pine trees include Pin rouge and Northern pine.

This self-pruning tree takes care of itself, as you’ll hardly spot dead limbs or branches.

An interesting fact about the Red pine is that Minnesota is the only state where it’s called the Norway pine. In terms of size, this tree has a moderate growth rate.

At maturity, it reaches heights of around 75 ft. However, such size can be exceeded to about 100 ft. with optimal conditions.

Identifying Norway Pine Tree

Specific physical attributes make the Norway pine trees identifiable.

These include its bark, leaves, and cones. Sometimes, you’ll have to look closely to tell the red pine from other tree species.

Let’s take a brief look at the features mentioned.

  • Norway Pine Tree Bark

Young red pine trees are observed to have a flaky and orange-red bark. For mature trees, such bark tends to measure around 1.0” in thickness.

Also, at maturity, the barks of Norway pine trees tend to be reddish-brown. These barks are separated into flat, broad, scaly plates.

  • Norway Pine Tree Leaves

The leaves or needles of the Norway pine grow in bundles of two. This measures around 4 to 6 inches long.

While other pine trees, such as the Austrian pine, have similar needles, those Norway pines tend to break or snap cleanly when bent. These needles can be identified by their dark yellow-green colors.

  • Norway Pine Tree Cones

Norway pine tree cones are symmetrical and ovoid-shaped. These cones are found to be dark purple and broad before maturity.

These turn into proper cones with broad scales and no prickles at maturity. Also, the color of the one changes to nut-blue when ripe.

The red pine has a monoecious reproductive system.

Is the Norway pine an Ornamental Tree?

It’s no news that certain tree species are categorized as having ornamental value due to their appealing characteristics.

While the Norway pine was initially identified as one, it has fallen out of favor as a landscape tree due to its vulnerability to diseases and pest issues.

In other words, the red pine isn’t a tree you should consider growing within your yard for the reasons mentioned.

While that’s true, you, an arborist, might have a different opinion on why you should grow the Norway pine. Whatever it is, it’s best to follow professional opinion.

  • Norway Pine Diseases & Pests

Pests commonly known to affect the Norway pine tree include red pine sawfly, eastern pine shoot borer, European pine sawfly, and metallic pitch blister moth.

Others include red pine middle midge, northern pine weevil, red pine cone beetle, northern pitch twig moth, and redheaded pine sawfly.

More pests include pine Zale, European pine shoot moth, white-spotted sawyer, false pine webworm, pine needle scale, and warren root collar weevil.

There are also pales weevil, European pine needle midge, and fir coneworm.

Norway pine tree diseases include brown rot, red heart rot, dothistroma needle blight, physiological needle droop, needle cast, and diplopia tip blight.

More diseases include needle rust of pine, armillaria root rot, pinicolabrown crumbly rot, armillaria ostoyae root disease, and red butt rot & sap root.

More Norway tree diseases include red ring rot, annosus root & butt rot, rhizina root rot, sirococcus shoot blight, and scleroderris canker North American strain.

Hardiness Zones

Before growing any tree, it’s necessary to inquire about its hardiness. This helps you determine if it’s well suited to your surroundings.

Of course, you’ll need to know what zone you belong to. The Norway pine is known to thrive in hardiness zones 3 through 6.


While discussing Norway pines, such won’t be complete without including the lifespan of these trees. Norway pines are known to live up to half a century.

This is the average lifespan, as some may exceed this timeframe. So when growing these, you should know that the tree will outlive several generations.

Uses of the Norway Pine Tree

Norway pines are used for construction, wood production, pulpwood, fuel, bonsai ornamental, and Christmas trees.

Additional uses include snow breaks, windbreaks, and several others. The tree also has wildlife value.

Such is seen in its provision of suitable habitats for various birds and animals that use it as nesting sites.

Examples include bald eagles, snowshoes, meadow voles, osprey, great blue heron, and white-footed mice. Apart from nesting, some of these creatures target its seed for food.

These are the essential attributes of Norway pine trees.

We’ve looked at different aspects of the tree, including its hardiness zones, common diseases & pests affecting the tree, lifespan, and more.

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